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Happy New Year and welcome to our first quarterly newsletter for 2024

In our first article, we take a look at the five key themes that occurred throughout 2023, what you need to keep your eye on in 2024, and reasons why investors might be a little more optimistic for the year ahead.  

With the rising cost of living hitting our hip pockets, managing your money can be stressful. Here, we provide a few tips to help you manage your finances more effectively.

If you’re beginning to think about the next phase of your life, it’s time to consider what your retirement income could look like. In this article, we explain the pros and cons of a few retirement income stream options.

The biggest intergenerational wealth transfer will happen in the next couple of decades, so it’s important to understand how to manage this process to ensure your assets are distributed exactly where you wish.

You may be considering making some professional or personal changes this year, this article explains how small incremental changes can help you to achieve your goals. 

We love to hear from you, so please feel free to contact us with any questions about our articles in this newsletter on 02 6947 2866 or email

Kind regards,

Raechel Weaver

2023 saw the return of Goldilocks, but what’s in store for 2024 for investors?

The latest Insights reviews the key events of 2023 and what it meant for investment returns and has a look at the outlook for 2024. Read full article >>

6 steps to help you feel more positive about your finances

Managing your money doesn’t have to be stressful. By breaking down your goals and establishing good habits you can work towards financial wellbeing. Read full article >>

How will you use your super?

If you’re beginning to think about the next phase of your life, it’s time to consider what your retirement income could look like. Read full article >>

Australians need help on how to manage huge wealth transfer

Most Australians want to share their wealth with the next generation but are unsure how to transfer that wealth and need help to plan for an effective transfer. Read full article >>

The 1% rule - tiny changes add up to a BIG difference

Just a tiny change - doing something just one per cent better - can be transformative if you build on that change. Read full article >>